Financial Service Industry Class

Financial Service Industry Class (Retail Banking) is one of the most traditional class and have helped students to find their jobs. The class is held by experienced adviser. And helps students to decide their career path, edit their resume, practicing interview performance.

-Top 3 valuable lessons-

  • Get to know the financial services industry and future career directions.
  • Understand the importance of Networking, and obtain the opportunities to meet mentors.
  • Acquire lots of useful resume and interview skills.

-The class contains 4 sessions-

  1. Career Development:introducing the structure of financial service industry.
  2. Resume:helping students to edit resumes record about their job description
  3. Mock Interview 1:improving students’ interview performance by providing advises through mock interview.
  4. Mock Interview 2: providing a formal one-one mock interview, letting students realized how to improve their performance to get the offer of their dream job.

From 2016 when Financial Service Class firstly opened, we are trying to help young talents to find their dream job in financial industry. Our class has 3 sections: networking, resume, mock interview. Until June 2017, over 83% of our students have found their dream job.

-Employed result-


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